Frampton Cotterell Focus Team

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Ageing Better Plan – South Glos consultation

by Claire Young on 30 November, 2017

South Glos Council’s Ageing Better Plan will bring together the outcomes and priorities that will guide work to support older people (age 65+), the way they will measure progress and how they will work to realise their vision. It is based on data, evidence and consultation with older people and wider partners across the area.

South Gloucestershire Council is now opening the Ageing Better Plan to public consultation between until 12th January 2018.

They are keen to hear views from as wide a range of people as possible; find out what you think of the plan, including how it could be improved, whether they’ve left out anything that you think is a crucial issue, or how you’d like to get involved in making it happen.

You can find out more and make your views known here.

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