Focus on Frampton Cotterell, Coalpit Heath, Iron Acton, Rangeworthy, Tytherington and the surrounding areas Learn more
by Claire Young on 12 June, 2019
There was a good turn-out at the Bloor Homes drop-in last Friday, where they displayed their plans for their part of the site east of Roundways.
They intend to submit an outline planning application over the summer but they say don’t expect the council to determine it until the new Local Plan is more advanced, which might not be until 2021. Local people were disappointed Bloor Homes hadn’t seen the feedback from the council’s drop-in on plans for the land at Coalpit Heath, which was an early part of the Local Plan process. We have raised these points with council officers.
The biggest concerns raised were the loss of open countryside, drainage and highways issues, but there were also questions about the plans for a new school, extra care housing, the impact on wildlife and other issues. You can find the exhibition boards and a feedback form online at – you have until 21 June to tell them what you think.
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