Frampton Cotterell Focus Team

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Pedestrianising Thornbury High Street

by Claire Young on 4 June, 2020

From Monday 8th June, South Glos will be trialling pedestrianising Thornbury Town Centre, to help people to shop safely as lockdown restrictions are eased.

The High Street between The Close and Castle Court will be closed to all through traffic, which will be diverted via Midland Way, Rock Street, Quaker Lane and on to The Plain. The council are working with bus operators to divert any affected services and provide bus stops so people can access the town centre from Rock Street.

Licences to trade from outside shop frontages will be fast-tracked and provided free to any business that feels it will help them to recover and it is hoped that some extra seating can be provided, which may be particularly helpful to take-away food outlets and to other cafes & bars when they can open more fully.

Our Thornbury colleagues have made sure the changes will be reviewed after two weeks. Initially they will be implemented under a Temporary Road Closure and residents, deliveries and refuse collection will be maintained at all times. They then intend to look at more appropriate time restrictions for when the road will be closed to traffic and use an Experimental Traffic Order, which may run for 18 months before being made permanent. Do let us know your views when you’ve tried it out.

If you have suggestions for measures that you think would help in your community, visit


2 Responses

  1. Alan Bracey says:

    Excellent news Claire. Someone is at last listening to the environmental lobby mostly, I expect Lib Dems. . How will this welcome trial affect those of us on two wheels.

    Thanks also for keeping us informed as usual on many issues. Is our illustrious MP gone into hibernation?


  2. […] some of the changes the council is making to our public spaces in response to Covid-19, such as trialling pedestrianising Thornbury High Street and putting in social distancing markers outside […]

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